Concurrency and Parallelism in Java - Part 2
Concurrency and Parallelism in Java (Part 2)
Concurrency and Parallelism in Java (Part 2)
Concurrency and parallelism are two notions that are often confusing Java developers. They might be considered quite similar because both of them execute sev...
Java isn’t a functional programming language like Scala, Haskel or Clojure. However, since Java 8, i.e. since 2014, Java developers who happen to be fans of ...
I’ve bought this book almost three years ago, soon after it has been published and I’ve read it right away, but since, I read it again and again, several ti...
Here we go again, the @agoncal 2024, which imminent release have been disclosed by the author himself, a couple of weeks ago, on this same site, is now avai...
Now that Java 21 has become your lingua franca and that, since several months, you have up your sleeve a complete and certified JEP 444 implementation, you’...
In this 3rd and last part of our AWS CDK cycle, we’ll be demonstrating several more advanced CDK techniques with Quarkus.
In this 2nd part on the AWS CDK series we introduce Quarkus, the supersonic, subatomic Java stack, and we’ll see how to implement CDK applications in Quarkus.
This article is the first one in a series of three articles on AWs CDK (Cloud Development Kit). In this first part we’ll look at the anatomy of a CDK applica...
Bedrock is the new Amazon service that democratizes the users’ access to the most up-to-date Foundation Models (FM) of the highest-ranked AI actors.
This post attempts to demystify the use of LLMs in Java, with Quarkus and LangChain4j, across a ludic and hopefully original project.
Part 2 of this series focuses on Elasticsearch, a distributed NoSQL database and search engine built on Apache Lucene.
This article demonstrates how Quarkus, the supersonic, subatomic Java stack, greatly simplifies the NoSQL data persistence with MongoDB.
Jakarta EE Security (formerly JSR 375) introduces the notion of identity stores. Here, you can see how these identity stores are implemented by Jakarta EE co...
Discover why Jakarta EE, with the industry-wide adoption of microservices-based architectures, has become one of the most popular Java server-side frameworks.
Similar to the concept of Microservice, the term of Micro Frontend isn’t as well known as the first one. This article aims at demystifying it.
After learning how to run our microservices in Minikube in Part 3 of this series, let’s look at how to do the same in OpenShift.
After learning how to run our microservices in JVM mode in Part 2 of this series, let’s now look at how to do the same in native mode.
In Part 1 and Part 2, you’ve seen how to run microservices as Quarkus local processes. Let’s now look at some K8s-based deployments, starting with Minikube.
In a previous post I have demonstrated a very convenient microservices implementation approach using Apache Camel and Quarkus. In this 2nd Part you’ll see ho...
This post proposes a microservices deployment model based on Camel, using a Java development stack, Quarkus as a runtime, and K8s as a cloud-native platform.
Readers will learn about Spring Boot and Eclipse MicroProfile, including a comparison of the essential metrics in the same web application and guide code.
Learn about SAM (superset of CloudFormation) including some special commands and shortcuts to ease Java serverless code development, testing, and deployment.
Spring Cloud is a Spring project which aims at providing tools for developers helping them to quickly implement some of the most common design patterns like ...
The BP (Behavior Parameterization) is a software development technique which aims at facilitating to handle the frequent requirements changes.
This blog ticket shows a couple of frequent pitfalls when using Docker and Java
This blog ticket demonstrates how to implement a Java web application with an Angular front-end and a SpringBoot back-end.
This blog ticket demonstrates how to implement a JPA application on an Apache Karaf platform, deployed on Red Hat Fuse application server.
Microservices with SpringBoot Part 6
Microservices with SpringBoot Part 5
Microservices with SpringBoot Part 4
Microservices with SpringBoot Part 2
Microservices with SpringBoot Part 1
Microservices with SpringBoot Part 3
I’ve bought this book almost three years ago, soon after it has been published and I’ve read it right away, but since, I read it again and again, several ti...
Here we go again, the @agoncal 2024, which imminent release have been disclosed by the author himself, a couple of weeks ago, on this same site, is now avai...
In this 3rd and last part of our AWS CDK cycle, we’ll be demonstrating several more advanced CDK techniques with Quarkus.
In this 2nd part on the AWS CDK series we introduce Quarkus, the supersonic, subatomic Java stack, and we’ll see how to implement CDK applications in Quarkus.
This article is the first one in a series of three articles on AWs CDK (Cloud Development Kit). In this first part we’ll look at the anatomy of a CDK applica...
Bedrock is the new Amazon service that democratizes the users’ access to the most up-to-date Foundation Models (FM) of the highest-ranked AI actors.
This post attempts to demystify the use of LLMs in Java, with Quarkus and LangChain4j, across a ludic and hopefully original project.
Part 2 of this series focuses on Elasticsearch, a distributed NoSQL database and search engine built on Apache Lucene.
This article demonstrates how Quarkus, the supersonic, subatomic Java stack, greatly simplifies the NoSQL data persistence with MongoDB.
Similar to the concept of Microservice, the term of Micro Frontend isn’t as well known as the first one. This article aims at demystifying it.
After learning how to run our microservices in Minikube in Part 3 of this series, let’s look at how to do the same in OpenShift.
After learning how to run our microservices in JVM mode in Part 2 of this series, let’s now look at how to do the same in native mode.
In Part 1 and Part 2, you’ve seen how to run microservices as Quarkus local processes. Let’s now look at some K8s-based deployments, starting with Minikube.
In a previous post I have demonstrated a very convenient microservices implementation approach using Apache Camel and Quarkus. In this 2nd Part you’ll see ho...
This post proposes a microservices deployment model based on Camel, using a Java development stack, Quarkus as a runtime, and K8s as a cloud-native platform.
Readers will learn about Spring Boot and Eclipse MicroProfile, including a comparison of the essential metrics in the same web application and guide code.
Similar to the concept of Microservice, the term of Micro Frontend isn’t as well known as the first one. This article aims at demystifying it.
After learning how to run our microservices in Minikube in Part 3 of this series, let’s look at how to do the same in OpenShift.
After learning how to run our microservices in JVM mode in Part 2 of this series, let’s now look at how to do the same in native mode.
In Part 1 and Part 2, you’ve seen how to run microservices as Quarkus local processes. Let’s now look at some K8s-based deployments, starting with Minikube.
In a previous post I have demonstrated a very convenient microservices implementation approach using Apache Camel and Quarkus. In this 2nd Part you’ll see ho...
This post proposes a microservices deployment model based on Camel, using a Java development stack, Quarkus as a runtime, and K8s as a cloud-native platform.
In this article, readers will learn how to deploy more complex Jakarta EE applications as serverless services with AWS Fargate.
Microservices with SpringBoot Part 6
Microservices with SpringBoot Part 5
Microservices with SpringBoot Part 4
Microservices with SpringBoot Part 2
Microservices with SpringBoot Part 1
Microservices with SpringBoot Part 3
Jakarta EE Security (formerly JSR 375) introduces the notion of identity stores. Here, you can see how these identity stores are implemented by Jakarta EE co...
Discover why Jakarta EE, with the industry-wide adoption of microservices-based architectures, has become one of the most popular Java server-side frameworks.
In this article, readers will learn how to deploy more complex Jakarta EE applications as serverless services with AWS Fargate.
This article demonstrates how to alleviate the Jakarta EE run-times, servers, and applications, by deploying them on AWS Serverless infrastructures.
This article demonstrates how to deploy Payara Applications on OpenShift using S2I (Source to Image) Builders.
A demonstration of an archetype that generates a Jakarta EE 10 web applications skeleton and its associated artifacts to be deployed on a Payara 6 server.
Arquillian is a classical integration test framework for JVM- based applications. Explore testing with the Payara server using the Arquillian Cube extension.
This blog ticket is demonstrating how the Payara platform (Server and Micro) is implementing the JSR-375 specifications in order to perform RDBMS based authe...
In this blog, I’ll explain more about Jakarta EE from my perspective as a Senior Java software architect/developer and why Jakarta EE and its runtimes beat t...
This blog ticket is demonstrating how the Payara platform (Server and Micro) is implementing the JSR-375 specifications in order to perform LDAP based authen...
Demonstrating how to instrumentalize and monitor Spring Boot Services on the behalf of a large set of tools. Check out this entry for our Computer Science Fa...
Readers will learn about Spring Boot and Eclipse MicroProfile, including a comparison of the essential metrics in the same web application and guide code.
This blog ticket demonstrates an use case of SpringBoot Streams and Kafka integration.
This blog ticket demonstrates how to implement a Java web application with an Angular front-end and a SpringBoot back-end.
Microservices with SpringBoot Part 6
Microservices with SpringBoot Part 5
Microservices with SpringBoot Part 4
Microservices with SpringBoot Part 2
Microservices with SpringBoot Part 1
Microservices with SpringBoot Part 3
I’m seeing often, on this site, posts showing some skepticism concerning the certification process and I have to admit that I can’t totally disagree. As a m...
Let’s face it clearly: we, software developers and programmers, don’t like to read here and there that AI generated code is any worth. That’s understandable...
In this 3rd and last part of our AWS CDK cycle, we’ll be demonstrating several more advanced CDK techniques with Quarkus.
In this 2nd part on the AWS CDK series we introduce Quarkus, the supersonic, subatomic Java stack, and we’ll see how to implement CDK applications in Quarkus.
This article is the first one in a series of three articles on AWs CDK (Cloud Development Kit). In this first part we’ll look at the anatomy of a CDK applica...
Bedrock is the new Amazon service that democratizes the users’ access to the most up-to-date Foundation Models (FM) of the highest-ranked AI actors.
In this article, readers will learn how to deploy more complex Jakarta EE applications as serverless services with AWS Fargate.
Learn how to use OpenAPI to adopt an IaC approach consisting in defining an API in a repeatable and deterministic manner.
Learn about SAM (superset of CloudFormation) including some special commands and shortcuts to ease Java serverless code development, testing, and deployment.
This article demonstrates how to alleviate the Jakarta EE run-times, servers, and applications, by deploying them on AWS Serverless infrastructures.
Spring Cloud is a Spring project which aims at providing tools for developers helping them to quickly implement some of the most common design patterns like ...
Microservices with SpringBoot Part 6
Microservices with SpringBoot Part 5
Microservices with SpringBoot Part 4
Microservices with SpringBoot Part 2
Microservices with SpringBoot Part 1
Microservices with SpringBoot Part 3
Jakarta EE Security (formerly JSR 375) introduces the notion of identity stores. Here, you can see how these identity stores are implemented by Jakarta EE co...
This article demonstrates how to deploy Payara Applications on OpenShift using S2I (Source to Image) Builders.
Arquillian is a classical integration test framework for JVM- based applications. Explore testing with the Payara server using the Arquillian Cube extension.
This blog ticket is demonstrating how the Payara platform (Server and Micro) is implementing the JSR-375 specifications in order to perform RDBMS based authe...
In this blog, I’ll explain more about Jakarta EE from my perspective as a Senior Java software architect/developer and why Jakarta EE and its runtimes beat t...
This blog ticket is demonstrating how the Payara platform (Server and Micro) is implementing the JSR-375 specifications in order to perform LDAP based authen...
Demonstrating how to instrumentalize and monitor Spring Boot Services on the behalf of a large set of tools. Check out this entry for our Computer Science Fa...
After learning how to run our microservices in Minikube in Part 3 of this series, let’s look at how to do the same in OpenShift.
After learning how to run our microservices in JVM mode in Part 2 of this series, let’s now look at how to do the same in native mode.
In Part 1 and Part 2, you’ve seen how to run microservices as Quarkus local processes. Let’s now look at some K8s-based deployments, starting with Minikube.
In a previous post I have demonstrated a very convenient microservices implementation approach using Apache Camel and Quarkus. In this 2nd Part you’ll see ho...
This post proposes a microservices deployment model based on Camel, using a Java development stack, Quarkus as a runtime, and K8s as a cloud-native platform.
This blog ticket is demonstrating how the Payara platform (Server and Micro) is implementing the JSR-375 specifications in order to perform RDBMS based authe...
This blog ticket is demonstrating how the Payara platform (Server and Micro) is implementing the JSR-375 specifications in order to perform LDAP based authen...
Demonstrating how to instrumentalize and monitor Spring Boot Services on the behalf of a large set of tools. Check out this entry for our Computer Science Fa...
This blog entry is analyzing the Docker native clustering option, with the brand new Swarm mode which is now a part of Docker Engine 1.12
This blog ticket shows a couple of frequent pitfalls when using Docker and Java
Microservices with SpringBoot Part 6
This blog entry is analyzing the Docker native clustering option, with the brand new Swarm mode which is now a part of Docker Engine 1.12
This blog ticket shows a couple of frequent pitfalls when using Docker and Java
Spring Cloud is a Spring project which aims at providing tools for developers helping them to quickly implement some of the most common design patterns like ...
This blog ticket demonstrates an use case of SpringBoot Streams and Kafka integration.
This blog ticket is demonstrating how the Payara platform (Server and Micro) is implementing the JSR-375 specifications in order to perform RDBMS based authe...
This blog ticket is demonstrating how the Payara platform (Server and Micro) is implementing the JSR-375 specifications in order to perform LDAP based authen...
Learn how to use OpenAPI to adopt an IaC approach consisting in defining an API in a repeatable and deterministic manner.
Learn about SAM (superset of CloudFormation) including some special commands and shortcuts to ease Java serverless code development, testing, and deployment.
Part 2 of this series focuses on Elasticsearch, a distributed NoSQL database and search engine built on Apache Lucene.
This article demonstrates how Quarkus, the supersonic, subatomic Java stack, greatly simplifies the NoSQL data persistence with MongoDB.
Bedrock is the new Amazon service that democratizes the users’ access to the most up-to-date Foundation Models (FM) of the highest-ranked AI actors.
This post attempts to demystify the use of LLMs in Java, with Quarkus and LangChain4j, across a ludic and hopefully original project.
Concurrency and Parallelism in Java (Part 2)
Concurrency and parallelism are two notions that are often confusing Java developers. They might be considered quite similar because both of them execute sev...
Concurrency and Parallelism in Java (Part 2)
Concurrency and parallelism are two notions that are often confusing Java developers. They might be considered quite similar because both of them execute sev...
This blog ticket demonstrates how to implement a JPA application on an Apache Karaf platform, deployed on Red Hat Fuse application server.
This blog ticket demonstrates how to implement a JPA application on an Apache Karaf platform, deployed on Red Hat Fuse application server.
This blog ticket demonstrates how to implement a JPA application on an Apache Karaf platform, deployed on Red Hat Fuse application server.
This blog ticket demonstrates how to implement a Java web application with an Angular front-end and a SpringBoot back-end.
This blog ticket demonstrates how to implement a Java web application with an Angular front-end and a SpringBoot back-end.
This blog entry is analyzing the Docker native clustering option, with the brand new Swarm mode which is now a part of Docker Engine 1.12
Demonstrating how to instrumentalize and monitor Spring Boot Services on the behalf of a large set of tools. Check out this entry for our Computer Science Fa...
Arquillian is a classical integration test framework for JVM- based applications. Explore testing with the Payara server using the Arquillian Cube extension.
A demonstration of an archetype that generates a Jakarta EE 10 web applications skeleton and its associated artifacts to be deployed on a Payara 6 server.
This article demonstrates how to deploy Payara Applications on OpenShift using S2I (Source to Image) Builders.
This article demonstrates how to deploy Payara Applications on OpenShift using S2I (Source to Image) Builders.
This article demonstrates how to alleviate the Jakarta EE run-times, servers, and applications, by deploying them on AWS Serverless infrastructures.
This article demonstrates how to alleviate the Jakarta EE run-times, servers, and applications, by deploying them on AWS Serverless infrastructures.
Learn about SAM (superset of CloudFormation) including some special commands and shortcuts to ease Java serverless code development, testing, and deployment.
Learn how to use OpenAPI to adopt an IaC approach consisting in defining an API in a repeatable and deterministic manner.
Learn how to use OpenAPI to adopt an IaC approach consisting in defining an API in a repeatable and deterministic manner.
I had a little bit of time off in this moment, before the end of the year, so I decided to learn Rust. I started with “Rust in Action” (https://www.manning.c...
Jakarta EE Security (formerly JSR 375) introduces the notion of identity stores. Here, you can see how these identity stores are implemented by Jakarta EE co...
This article demonstrates how Quarkus, the supersonic, subatomic Java stack, greatly simplifies the NoSQL data persistence with MongoDB.
Part 2 of this series focuses on Elasticsearch, a distributed NoSQL database and search engine built on Apache Lucene.
This post attempts to demystify the use of LLMs in Java, with Quarkus and LangChain4j, across a ludic and hopefully original project.
This post attempts to demystify the use of LLMs in Java, with Quarkus and LangChain4j, across a ludic and hopefully original project.
Bedrock is the new Amazon service that democratizes the users’ access to the most up-to-date Foundation Models (FM) of the highest-ranked AI actors.
Bedrock is the new Amazon service that democratizes the users’ access to the most up-to-date Foundation Models (FM) of the highest-ranked AI actors.
Now that Java 21 has become your lingua franca and that, since several months, you have up your sleeve a complete and certified JEP 444 implementation, you’...
Now that Java 21 has become your lingua franca and that, since several months, you have up your sleeve a complete and certified JEP 444 implementation, you’...
Let’s face it clearly: we, software developers and programmers, don’t like to read here and there that AI generated code is any worth. That’s understandable...
Here we go again, the @agoncal 2024, which imminent release have been disclosed by the author himself, a couple of weeks ago, on this same site, is now avai...
I’ve bought this book almost three years ago, soon after it has been published and I’ve read it right away, but since, I read it again and again, several ti...
I’m seeing often, on this site, posts showing some skepticism concerning the certification process and I have to admit that I can’t totally disagree. As a m...
Java isn’t a functional programming language like Scala, Haskel or Clojure. However, since Java 8, i.e. since 2014, Java developers who happen to be fans of ...