6 minute read

Concurrency and Parallelism in Java (Part 2)

In a previous post, we’ve been looking at a couple of interesting aspects concerning the concurrency and parallelism in Java. We’ve seen that, with parallel processing, the maximum number of parallel tasks that can be executed at any given moment, i.e. the maximum number of the simultaneously running platforms threads, is equal to the number of the available CPU cores. If the number of the currently active threads is superior to the one of the available CPU cores, then the number of threads waiting for resources will be equal to the difference between the total number of the active threads and the number of the available CPU cores.

In conclusion, more the difference between the number of the currently active threads and the one of the available CPU cores is important, more important will be the number of the blocked threads, waiting for the CPU. But would this impact the application’s overall performances and, if yes, how ?

One of the most common ways to address parallel processing in Java is through the work stealing design pattern implemented by the ForkJoinPool. Java provides two categoris of ForkJoinPool:

  • a common ForkJoinPool JVM wide, shared across applications, used by default by parallel streams;
  • customized ForkJoinPool created explicitly for specific use cases and supposed to provide more control over the resources usage.

The Java common ForkJoinPool parallelism level defaults to a number of threads equal to the number of the available CPU cores minus 1. It is configurable and can be set via the system property java.util.concurrent.ForkJoinPool.common.parallelism. For example:

System.setProperty("java.util.concurrent.ForkJoinPool.common.parallelism", "16");

sets the Java common ForkJoinPool maximum number of parallel threads to 16.

As for the customized ForkJoinPool, their parallelism level is initialized at their instantiation time, via an input argument. This input argument is optional and, if missing, the same value as the one defining currently the common ForkJoinPool parallelism will be used.

Now, an interesting question would be to know what’s the relationship between this parallelism level and the one of the platform’s available CPU cores ? The typical recommendation would be to set the parallelism level to the number of cores, or slightly higher. For example, for CPU-intensive tasks, set the parallelism level to the number of cores, while for I/O intensive tasks, set it according to the formula below:

parallelism = number of cores * waiting time / service time

Here waiting time is the time spent waiting for I/O operations (like network calls, disk operations, etc.) and service time is the actual CPU processing time. For example, let’s say that our task makes a database query which takes 100 ms, after which it processes the results during 20 ms. Then:

paralallism = 8 * (1 + 100/20) = 48

The reasoning behind this formula is:

  • During I/O operations, CPU cores are idle.
  • While one thread is waiting for I/O, other threads can use the CPU.
  • The ratio (waiting time / service time) helps determine how many additional threads can effectively use the CPU during I/O waits.
  • A higher waiting-to-service time ratio justifies more threads since cores would otherwise be idle during I/O waits.

Let’s look at an implementation trying to simulate such a computing model (the code is available in the GitHub repository):

public class TestForkJoinPool
  private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(TestForkJoinPool.class.getName());
  private static final int CORES = Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors();
  private static final double WAITING_TIME = 100;
  private static final double SERVICE_TIME = 20;
  private static final int OPTIMAL_PARALLELISM = (int) (CORES * (1 + WAITING_TIME / SERVICE_TIME));

  public void testForkJoinPool() throws Exception
    LOG.info(">>> Setting parallelism to %s for %d available CPU cores (waiting/service ratio: %.1f)"
    Instant start = Instant.now();
    try (var pool = new ForkJoinPool(OPTIMAL_PARALLELISM))
      pool.submit(() -> run()).get();
    Duration duration = Duration.between(start, Instant.now());
    LOG.info("Threads: %d, Duration: %d ms"
      .formatted(OPTIMAL_PARALLELISM, duration.toMillis()));

  private static void run()
    long count = Stream.generate(() ->
        return 1;
      catch (InterruptedException e)
        throw new RuntimeException(e);

  private static void simulateCpuWork(long milliseconds)
    long startTime = System.nanoTime();
    double result = 0;
    while (System.nanoTime() - startTime < milliseconds * 1_000_000)
      result += Math.sin(result) + Math.cos(result);

NOTE: In this example we’ve used a custom ForkJoinPool but the test result would have been the same for the common ForkJoinPool.

In the code above we’re simulating 10 operations consisting each in a I/O intensive processing, taking 100 ms, and a CPU intensive one, taking 20 ms, so a total duration 1 200 ms.

Running this test on my laptop having 8 available CPU cores, I get this:

Feb 10, 2025 2:40:48 PM fr.simplex_software.workshop.tests.TestForkJoinPool testForkJoinPool
INFO: >>> Setting parallelism to 48 for 8 available CPU cores (waiting/service ratio: 5.0)
Feb 10, 2025 2:40:48 PM fr.simplex_software.workshop.tests.TestForkJoinPool testForkJoinPool
INFO: Threads: 48, Duration: 255 ms

As you can see, it takes 255 ms to perform the 10 operations which total duration is of 1 200 ms. In order to check the validity of the mentioned formula, I instantiated the common ForkJoinPool with a non-optimal thread numbers, for example:

try (var pool = new ForkJoinPool(1))

This time the total duration was of 1 445 ms, i.e. more than 5 times slower. Meaning that the optimal setting completes the work much faster. But what happens if I set the parallelism level at a number of thread higher than the optimal one ? For example, doing:

try (var pool = new ForkJoinPool(64))

I was expecting to see degraded performances but, surprisingly, the test performs almost as fast as when using the optimal value, or, in the worst case, just a little bit slower.

In order to illustrate this let’s modify the test as follows:

public void compareThreadCounts() throws Exception
  int[] threadCounts = {

  for (int threadCount : threadCounts)
    LOG.info(">>> Have set parallelism to %s for %d available CPU cores (waiting/service ratio: %.1f)"
      .formatted(threadCount, CORES, WAITING_TIME / SERVICE_TIME));
    Instant start = Instant.now();
    try (var pool = new ForkJoinPool(threadCount))
      pool.submit(() -> run()).get();
    Duration duration = Duration.between(start, Instant.now());
    LOG.info("Threads: %d, Duration: %d ms"
      .formatted(threadCount, duration.toMillis()));

Running this test on my machine I’m getting the following results:

Nb. of threads Duration
1 1443 ms
8 361 ms
48 253 ms
96 264 ms
192 279 ms

As you can see, the best result is obtained for the optimal parallelism level. When setting it at inferior values the test is significantly slower but when setting it at higher values, the test is just a bit slower.

In conclusion, this formula works but, before using it, you need to take into account the fact that it isn’t a panacea. It’s based on idealized assumptions about workload distribution and real-world performance can vary due to many factors.

Accordingly, the following best practices have to be observed when applying it:

  1. Use the formula as a starting point, not a fixed rule.
  2. Benchmark with your specific workload.
  3. Monitor system resources (CPU, memory, etc.).
  4. Consider implementing adaptive thread pool sizing.
  5. Watch for signs of thread contention.

The optimal parallelism level is more of a minimum threshold for good performance rather than a strict maximum. As long as you’re not seeing degraded performance or resource exhaustion, having more threads than the calculated optimal can be perfectly fine.

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